Voxel X Creative Partnerships
Voxel X is working to list 1000+ creative partners which provide automatic verified status on SuperKluster as well as many advantageous marketing mediums.
NFTs will transform the rules surrounding ownership, identification and the culture of art. Voxel X Network is ready to revolutionise GameFi and be a catalyst for a new age of mass adoption of crypto via our NFT marketplace, DEX and Node Network. We are unique in that we have a NFT marketplace that can mint cross compatible, cross chain and 3D assets.
Although this all sounds good, we are not happy to accept this as mission accomplished. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding NFTs as art and we are determined to change this. What Voxel X Network and partners are doing is laying the foundations of a hub for artists.
We aim to create a haven for expressionism, experimentation and co-operation. We believe that NFT artwork as a form of expressionism is in its infancy, and it is todays artists as early adopters that have the ability to advance this space and prove these misconceptions to be misguided rather than the entities or decentralized marketplaces.
These are tough words to type as I am an advocate and believer in our own decentralized NFT marketplace, SuperKluster. However, I know that the moment I believe I know more is the moment I prove otherwise. It is those who create that hold the power, we at Voxel X simply want to provide a platform and haven for this power to create a new culture, a digital renaissance.
As a first step we have created a channel focused on artists in our Discord channel. It is a place to share passion and creativity with each other. This channel consists of #artist-chat, #share-art, #share-nft, #sk-faq.
Please take a look and join us in advancing this space for the benefit of those who create and fill the voids.
Discord ; https://discord.com/invite/voxelxnetwork Artist-Hub ; https://discord.gg/QCHyRj3n97
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